Monday, August 10, 2009

bad blogger again

Ugh!!! I can't believe that I let it happen again!! Is there anyone still out there? I apologize for what seems like abandoning my blog. I haven't really. There were many days and nights when I wanted to write up a post, put up a pic, or just say HI, I'M STILL HERE...but alas, never did b/c I either didn't have a free minute, or was just way too exhausted. Somehow among the course of things over the last year, I have let things in my life spiral a bit out of control. Some good, some not so good, but still blessings. Well NOT ANYMORE! I'm back to regain control of my life and this blog. I've made the first step and wrote myself up a little schedule. L has started homeschool this year, and I had to write up a schedule for her anyhow, so I thought I may as well do one for myself. The bell just rang and according to my schedule, computer time is over and it's time to start the crock-pot. Be back tomorrow with first day of school highlights.
Have a blessed day! :)

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